Type of content: Law, Decree or Similar (incl. proposals)

International Service for Human RIghts
In 2017, a draft law was developed by Guinean civil society actors. Together with global civil society actors such as...
Unidad Nacional de Protección
In September 2022, the Colombian government introduced the Emergency Plan for the Protection of Social Leaders, Human Rights Defenders and...
Departamento Nacional de Planeación
This document was issued on 29/Nov/2021 by the government of Iván Duque and approved on 6/Dec/2021 by the National Council...
Gobierno de Mexico
On the 25th of June 2012, the government of Mexico adopted the Law on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders...
International Service for Human Rights
On the 26th of March 2021, a draft law on the protection of human rights defenders was finalised and submitted...
Protection International
A draft edict on the protection of human rights defenders and journalists has been proposed to the Provincial Assembly in...
International Service of Human Rights
In the Central African Republic, a Draft Law is being discussed at the Ministry of Justice. See here for an...
Estado Peruano
This Resolution 0159-2019 was adopted by the Peruvian government in 2019. It has been published as part of the National...
République du Niger
On the 15th of June 2022, a national law on human rights defenders (HRDs or defenders) in Niger was adopted. The...
Comité Cerezo México
On the 30th of April 2019, Initiative Containing Draft Decree Reforming Articles 6 and 73 of the Constitution and Draft...