Peru: Government will Implement the Inter-Sectoral Mechanism for the Protection of Defenders

In Peru, the government confirmed that they will implement the Intersectoral mechanism for the protection of human rights defenders. This announcement was preced by the demonstrations of human rights defenders in front of the Ministry of Justice.

“Today we had a dialogue with the Vice-Minister of Human Rights and Access to Justice, Guillermo Vargas Jaramillo, so that the Intersectoral Mechanism for the protection of human rights defenders is provided with economic and human resources, because otherwise it will not be a viable resource. The Vice-Minister committed himself to implement this mechanism as soon as possible, because he considered it to be the best way for the State to reduce the precariousness of the work carried out by human rights defenders”, said David Velazco, lawyer for the group of human rights defenders.

Find the full article here in Spanish (La Republica Perú).


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